Last Thursday and Friday, Portobello opened their doors to media and influencers, over a two-day period. Greeting close to 200 guests, Portobello showcased their upcoming Spring/Summer collections, along with new beauty, and lifestyle that has entered the showroom.

With a unique activation from ECOYA, guests were able to test out the newly packaged Bodycare collection (relaunching early May). Guests were encouraged to wash their hands, and have a feel for the newly frosted PET plastic bottles, which are not only sophisticated and elegant, but fully recyclable. After washing their hands with the hand & body wash, guests were welcome to test the new ECOYA Rinse Free Hand Wash with a choice of five fragrances: Coconut & Elderflower, Sweet Pea & Jasmin, French Pear, Guava & Lychee and Lotus Flower. Following this, guests were offered a buff, shine, and polish, followed by a relaxing hand massage.

Amongst manicures and hand massages, guests were offered Ardell lash applications, and freshly brewed coffee, in their own personal keep cups from Vittoria. Overall, it was a very successful two days, welcoming in new clients to our showroom, along with several new media and influencers.


Friends of Huffer Splendour Brunch - Miami Myth


NEUW Denim 'Nordic Stone' Launch Party